General Advocacy
There are millions of acres of residential lawn and owner-occupied land in Virginia and Maryland. Here's a few tips on how to maximize your land to support pollinators, birds, and protect our rivers and creeks.

A Plug for Plugs
For first-time native plant gardeners, schools, or large plantings we always encourage the use of plugs - the smallest available version of a plant. These are an inexpensive option available online and through select retailers.
Big Trees & Shrubs
Are you a municipality or park that needs large diameter trees on a budget? Need help with delivery? In conjunction with our retail and wholesale partners we can help you find large diameter native trees and shrubs.

Less Lawn, More Hedges
Reducing turf lawns is of critical importance in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Turf grass isn't native, it's short rooted, and offers little support to wildlife. One of the easiest ways to reduce the size of your lawn is by installing a hedge row. We can help find the right plants for your growing conditions and put together a basic planting plan to help you create easy, attractive lawn borders.